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These places present a great variety of options to get to know the habits, behaviors, colors and main characteristics of the birds that fly the Argentine skies.

December 6, 2021

Bird watching is one of the most sustainable emerging tourist activities that can be done outdoors, discovering, studying and learning about the important diversity that inhabits and flies the skies of our country.

Bird watching is a different way of touring the country, interacting and enjoying nature in destinations such as: Ushuaia, Misiones, Córdoba, San Martín de los Andes and Corrientes. When thinking about traveling, three out of four Argentine travelers (73%) think to take time to enjoy small pleasures such as spending time outdoors during their vacations; while more than half (56%) of Argentine travelers expressed their desire to travel again and appreciate the natural beauty of the country.

Ushuaia: The city of the End of the World, in addition to having incredible natural landscapes, presents the possibility of meeting and discovering some of the birds that roam the southernmost skies of the planet. In the proximity of the Martial glacier you can find the Andean condor, the common harrier, the southern parakeet, thrushes, woodpeckers, bandurrias, geese and dozens of other species. Some can even be found in the same city or on its attractive waterfront.

Misiones: It is the province that hosts the Iguazu Falls, one of the 7 wonders of the world, declared in 1984 by UNESCO as a natural heritage of humanity. The Falls are located in the Iguazú National Park that also offers its visitors an incredible biodiversity in the missionary jungle. There are around 80 species of mammals, reptiles, fish, insects, butterflies and more than 500 species of birds converge, making it an ideal place for sightings of toucans, woodpeckers, dancers and the black-breasted bat, among others, that fly over this incredible ecosystem.

Cordoba: The Mediterranean province has two very characteristic options for bird watching. They are located in the Quebrada del Condorito and Mar Chiquita National Park. Quebrada del Condorito National Park is a must-see destination for all bird lovers. There, one of its main protagonists is the Andean Condor, which, due to its size and flight, attracts the attention of all visitors to the area. The condor coexists with other species that can be found in the area, such as the peregrine falcon, the "canastero serrano" and the "white-tailed gaucho" among others. While, if we go to Mar Chiquita, we can discover flamingos, black-necked swans, Patagonian swallows and silver macans in an ecosystem framed by the beauty of its lagoon and unparalleled sunsets.

San Martin de los Andes: The Neuquén's tourist town brings together 180 species of birds in a dreamlike natural setting. Among mountains, lakes and forests we can discover condors, woodpeckers, black heads, black eagles and bandurrias. Added to the possibility of discovering the different species of birds that fly over its natural landscapes are the attraction of Lake Lacar with its vast expanse and depth of blue waters and the impressive Cerro Chapelco.




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